Friendship Centres are a first point of contact for many people to obtain culturally based socio-economic programs and services as well as linkages to community resources.

Through a desire to maintain an environment that supports reconciliation and growth, we seek initiatives to support quality of life, self-determination, to learn about and maintain Indigenous cultural identity, promote respect, equity and equal access to and participation in our society.

Our core service area encompasses Flin Flon, MB, Creighton and Denare Beach, SK. As Flin Flon is a hub for surrounding communities for commerce, residents from outlying areas ~Cranberry Portage, Sherridon/Cold Lake, Pukatawagan, MB; and Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay and Deschambault Lake, SK also access services of the Friendship Centre.


Though not going under the name of Friendship Centre, Flin Flon’s first “centre of friendship” was encompassed in the home and person of the late Nancy (granny) Cadotte. For many years, her home was the focal point for Aboriginal people traveling to Flin Flon. At the age of 78, Granny Cadotte retired, leaving a great need to be filled.

The idea of a Friendship Centre then originated in 1964. Studies indicated that a combination Friendship Centre and Hostel would address community needs. Subsequent events proved the originators of this idea planned better than they knew. An effort was made to rent premises, but a year and many disappointments later, it was obvious that the only way Flin Flon would ever have a Friendship Centre was to buy a building. Some donations from service clubs, and a large bank loan backed by local citizens provided the necessary capital. Property was purchased in the spring of 1966 and the Centre opened its doors for business in May of that year.

Honoured by the City of Flin Flon in 1966, in the words of the Mayor: “Money could never repay you for your unselfish dedication to the Native People, nor for the good work you have done in the community.”

Ideally located, just one block from the core business section of the City, the Centre’s proximity to the health, public and business services has proved a boon to all concerned. The Friendship Centre incorporated under the Companies Act with the province of Manitoba April 28th, 1967.

Board of Directors

  • Doreen Roman, President
  • Sheena Reed, Vice-President
  • Iris Lycan, Secretary Treasurer
  • Jill Rideout, Director
  • Carol Sutherland, Director
  • Ashton Francouer, Director
  • Tieryn Steele, Director